
Study Abroad Program of the European University: Traveling to find your professional path

Study Abroad Program of the European University: Traveling to find your professional path

Gap year? Is it worth it? Life goes so fast that we run out of time to make the first big decisions of our life. Yesterday was your first day of high school and tomorrow you will graduate from school. What will you do next? Are you sure what you are going to study?

Relax, if you need it, give yourself the time to think and make decisions correctly. Give yourself a year, but taking advantage of it in the best way: traveling, meeting new people and studying subjects that could help you in your future career. Universidad Europea, in Spain, offers you the opportunity to live a semester or two to guide you in your professional decisions thanks to its Study Abroad program.

What is this program about?

You should choose 5 subjects (plus another 5 in reserve if there is no space in the first selected ones) to take during the semester. For each subject you will accumulate credits that can be used when you enroll later in a university. For this reason, it is better to choose subjects related to what you think you are going to study: This is how you discover if the area of ​​study really interests you and, if it does, to be able to validate what you have already studied at the university that you decide to study later.

In addition, you will meet students like you from all over the world, you will practice different languages, you will discover Spanish culture and gastronomy, you will maintain your study habits and you will have more certainty when choosing your future career. Studying in Spain for a full 4 or 5 year degree can be expensive, but thanks to this program you can experience all its benefits in just one or two terms. Dedicate a year or half a year to your human and professional training, you will not regret it.

To apply to the program you will need to send us the following docuemnts:

  • Passport
  • Language test
  • Your student data
  • Payment reservation 790 euros
  • Creation of enrollment plan with academic advisor
  • Enrollment
  • Send visa letter (in case you are a non european student)

Universidad Europea offers Study Abroad students a wide range of courses. From now on, your choice is extended to any subject of the different schools regardless of the language of instruction or the degree to which a course belongs. We recommend that you choose subjects related to the degree courses you are studying. At the moment the university consists of 4 schools:

  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication
  • Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
  • School of Architecture, Engineering and Design
  • Faculty of Biomedicine and Health Sciences

For more information like: available courses and pricing please contact us. #YouStudyWeHelp

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