
Some tips for before packing bags

Some tips for before packing bags

September is coming, also the beginning of classes. At this point of the summer, if you have not already done so, you should think about what to take with you to college. It seems easy, but surely there are small details that when packing will save you hindrances when you settle in your new house. As “obvious” as it may seem, we give you our brief list of tips.

Be careful about what you can't carry on

Something that every international student knows is that food from home is something they will miss. One of the most important items in the suitcase are these supplies but be careful! Look for the customs laws of the country you are going to... make sure that all your precious items don´t end up in the bin.

Create your check-list

You can have all your luggage organized in mind, but it happens often that you forget important things. Save yourself from this and make a list of all the things you are going to take. It is also important that when making that check-list you include articles according to the climate of the country you are going to, not all European countries have the same climate.

Do not luggage overload!

Most likely, while you live in your new city your closet will expand and you will have to leave many things when packing for the return. Other things you won't need are books! Yes, we know, in Homologation Student Services we are book lovers too, but from our experience we tell you that carrying books in a suitcase only makes it heavier and harder to carry. Some alternatives for this are to download online books or find a library you can go to.

The essentials

Prepare your first aid kit with paracetamol, ibuprofen, anti-flu, stomach pain medication, band-aids, etc. Do not forget to bring adapters and extensions to charge your electronic devices. Taking an umbrella is also a good idea.

To keep in hand

It is important that you never lose sight of your documentation, passport, NIE (ask us for this service), Health Insurance card, etc. Make sure you have in your agenda the numbers of the consulate and embassy of your country, of the place where you are going to stay, of your university and contacts of trust. It´s better to have them written down.

And you, What else would you include in your list?

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