
How to survive your first days of independence?

How to survive your first days of independence?

The moment you were waiting for a long time has finally arrived, you have made the decision to leave home to study and become a professional. Congratulations, you are taking the reins of your life! Now that you have set foot in "real life" you will discover that not everything is as simple as you thought... It is likely that you get a little frustrated to realize that clothes do not wash themselves, that you cannot eat frozen food throughout the year or if you do not intend to go to class nobody will force you to do so. As a university student in Madrid (yes, me, your dear editor) I can give you a couple of tips to make your path into independence less turbulent.


Saving money depends on the details

Mom is no longer at home and you have no one to have your food ready. The solution seems easy and very appealing: you order food for Glovo or you come to buy in the cafeteria of your university. It is not bad to give yourself a treat from time to time, but if this becomes a habit you will be spending money that you could invest in more productive things. And let's not talk about healthy habits. Make the supermarket list with assorted foods (meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes) and encourage yourself to cook. Now with accounts like Tasty you have no excuse for not knowing how to do it. Be careful: cooking becomes an addiction and you can end up organizing many dinners with friends.

Another detail when saving is to keep in a piggy bank (piggy) the coins that you have left of the change instead of scattering them everywhere. It's amazing how much money you can save this way. Do it and then spend it on something you like and worthwhile.


Benefit from your student status

There are many offers for students that you can take advantage of, for example: discounts on cinema, on public transport (take a look of the young transport ticket card in Madrid), on restaurants, museums and plays (get the cultural “bono” for young people in Madrid, JOBO). Do not delay in making use of these opportunities that will help you enjoy your experience more. Remember: you are now in a privileged stage of your life that you´ll only live once.


Value your time

Between classes, study time, outings with friends, sports and your leisure time, your agenda will be quite tight. To go without delay it is good to give each thing its time. Do not leave for later what you can do now, don´t let things accumulate in your “To Do List”. Wash the dishes after eating, do the homework on time (do not leave it for the same day of delivery), prepare the meal of the week and store it in toppers so you only have to heat it later (calculate the amounts of food for later not waste).


Take the wheel of your life

Accepting the challenge of studying far from your family was a mature decision, now stay consistent with it. It is true that it is more fun to go out than to go to the class at 8 in the morning but think about what will bring you a greater benefit in the future. You no longer have your father to take you to school or to call you so that you arrive home, it is you who decides. Have fun, discover new things, go out with your friends, involve yourself in projects that will open a path into your professional life, do not let time slip through your hands, and, above all, do not forget to live to the fullest this new year .

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