
Recipes to cook a year with motivation

Recipes to cook a year with motivation

We know that the summer tastes great and we don't want it to end ... But hey! It's time to go back to what will help you build the future you want, the university. In this blog post we want to be realistic and not propose unattainable goals that deflate midway through the year. Our goal is to share small actions that can help you make the most of your year, so we recommend you follow the steps of the following recipes. (Attention: All recipes have the same ingredients, 10 grams of effort, 2 liters of determination and 1 kilo of motivation. For the rest you just must follow the steps).

Sloth Free Soufflé

  1. Divide a task into small parts
  2. Rest, sleep, exercise
  3. Create a vision chart of what you think about success
  4. Think about your future
  5. Start early and do one task at a time to boost your motivation
  6. Learn productive habits of successful people


Spinach to perform better while studying

  1. Exercise: walk and use the stairs
  2. Do not overeat
  3. Plan your study the night before


Concentration study cake

  1. Mobiles, out!
  2. Keep your study space clean and tidy
  3. Find a place with good temperature and silence

These recipes are inspired by the Modern Education Instagram page, we hope they can help you get started.

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03 DEC

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