Bachelor in Veterinary Nursing Science

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The Sparsholt College
The Sparsholt College
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Scienze della Salute
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
A study tour is also available to South Africa or Costa Rica


  • Three year full-time programme includes LANTRA Veterinary Nursing Occupational Standards
  • Combine 1,800 hours of work placements with college study to gain practical skills and underpinning theory
  • Gain realistic experience in our purpose built Veterinary Nursing Centre equipped to represent a contemporary veterinary practice
  • Excellent rate of graduate employment

What will I learn?

The programme has a firm science foundation, including the specialist nursing, behaviour and research skills needed to develop industry-relevant knowledge. You will also gain valuable industry insight through visits, guest speakers and work placements.

You will learn through a combination of lectures, laboratory sessions, practical work in veterinary practice along with guided and independent work. You will have the opportunity (subject to demand) to participate in animal training and behaviour and large animal handling. A study tour is also available to South Africa or Costa Rica in the third year of the programme.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment is through a combination of coursework, including laboratory investigations, assignments and presentations and, for the elements of the Professional Syllabus, closed book examinations. Whilst on placement you will also complete a Nursing Progress Log to evidence practical competencies and on your return to college you will undertake a practical clinical examination.

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