Bachelor of Applied Criminology

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Canterbury University
Canterbury University
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Diritto, Politica e Criminologia
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
You will always be assured of high quality research informed teaching


Crime dominates the news and is a constant feature in the entertainment media. Applied Criminology is a popular choice either as a single honours degree or in combination with another subject such as sociology or forensic investigation.

The course examines the nature, extent and causes of crime and the methods used to manage criminal behaviour.

You will explore areas including:

  • Criminological theory
  • Youth crime and the youth justice system
  • Crime and social control
  • The media representation of crime
  • Different forms of crime such as hate crime and violent crime.

We have strong links with criminal justice agencies and you will be encouraged to make the most of the volunteering and networking opportunities available throughout your course in order to give you the best possible start to your career. 

Why applied criminology?

The scope of the programme is broad, as the compulsory modules enable you to gain a solid grounding in core areas of and applied criminology, while the optional modules allow you to either choose from a range of related topics, such as policing, law, psychology and cybercrime or to choose a specific focus, such as hate crime or mental health and crime.  This variety is appreciated by our students and highly regarded by the professionals and companies who employ criminal justice professionals. 

Our degree is delivered by staff who have worked as practitioners or researchers within criminology or related fields and we therefore have a wealth of knowledge and experience that brings the theory to life. We have an excellent understanding of the core knowledge and skills required for criminology job roles.  We also have a range of visiting lecturers, who are professionals working in the criminal justice field currently, who support the core content of the course with lectures about their field of expertise. In addition, we support our students in gaining work experience in the field through volunteer work, paid work, projects with external partners and through regular exposure to criminal justice professionals through guest lectures, again increasing the chance of employment.

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