
Smart resolutions for a new year´s demands

Smart resolutions for a new year´s demands
Why do we set purposes for each year? Do these goals that we set change over time? Do we become different people? The answer is that it depends on us... and if we really do something to fulfill what we have committed to achieve and if it makes sense to us.

Looking for a January first time to sit down to write a list of goals for the year is no nonsense. According to Gail Matthews, psychologist, professor at the Dominican University of California and carrer coach, those who write their goals achieve much more than those who do not write them, since writing helps you achieve your goals, makes them more tangible, Help focus on them.

Smart purposes

Another very important thing, so important that we want to focus mainly on this on this article, is that we should write SMART purposes. I mean, do we set purposes because they are "good" or because we really see a purpose in what we want to achieve? You have to learn to see the goal first and then put the concrete steps.

Goals change every year, they change depending on the situation you are in... Have you changed jobs? Do you have a new hobby? Are you starting a relationship? All these factors are what will condition the objectives for a specific goal.

Goals for professional life 2020

Since you are a potential professional, we want to help you know the demands that exist for 2020. If you know what society is looking for, you can prepare yourself to be the one who best responds to these requirements. A Linkedin article called "20 great ideas for 2020" explains what experts predict for next year. Here is a brief list of demands and purposes for you:

1. Your ability to concentrate will be your most important aptitude

In a study of the Udemy learning platform, two-thirds of the workers admitted to looking at their phone for at least an hour during their workday. This has a great cost for your personal projects or the companies where you work or will work. Your bosses will highly value your effectiveness at work, which can compromise your job. Resolution: control more technology, the use of your mobile phone, etc. Master your internal triggers, plan your day, make pacts with yourself or with your friends.

2. Increasingly automated companies

Next year will be key because we will need more tools to re-humanize and, at the same time, make better use of company resources and achieve more satisfaction, says Leo Piccioli, writer and speaker on leadership. As a consequence, we are going to have to prepare ourselves to be more creative, empathetic every day, think strategically, break hierarchies, talk, work in teams and solve problems. Resolution: One of the keys to survive automation is to do those tasks that robots can never do. Therefore, soft skills will be increasingly important.

3. The world will face a shortage of professionals in the health sector

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that the deficit will amount to 18 million workers in the next 10 years, and half of the vacancies correspond to nurses and midwives. WHO is working on an ambitious campaign to promote education, training and support in the workplace for nurses, an effort that goes beyond filling the void of a fundamental profession. WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus commented: "Investing in health workers generates a triple benefit: for health, for economic growth and for gender equality." Resolution: If you are considering what to study and are interested in the area of ​​health, do not rule out this possibility since there is a gap for you. Strive to be a health professional ready to change lives.

4. Big Data and new technologies. These will affect the operation of companies, as well as how to approach changes in the market

Technologies have changed the way companies work. For our generation, and for those who come, we are very good at handling this, as we have grown up surrounded by technology. Resolution: Investigate. Learn on your own what are the new techniques of Marketing and be creative to apply technology as a way to monetize an idea.

5. More jobs for young people

This is an opportunity that has your name. The market is open to young people with skills to compete in a company. Resolution: Since the door has opened to you, don't stick to the sofa, move to get a job that brings you experience in your future working life. Work on your team management and emotional intelligence skills. It is clear that these two skills go hand in hand. A good leader uses emotional intelligence and techniques such as mindfulness to better manage his work team and improve his work relationships.

Now that you know what the world is asking for, get ready to be the one who brings the answer. Do not miss the moment, this year you will know what purposes you can start with.

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