Private Master’s Degree In Big Data Analytics

Private Master’s Degree In Big Data Analytics

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Universidad Europea de Madrid
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Types of study:
Knowledge area:
Engineering Area
On Campus
10 months
12.900,00 €
European student
Non European student
This private master’s degree qualifies you to be one of today’s most sought-after professionals: Data Architect, Data Engineer or Data Scientist. You will train with data professionals who are leaders in the banking, health, telecommunications and consulting sectors.

The Master’s in Big Data is a course that covers Big Data analytics. A degree for engineers, statisticians and mathematicians, or data analysts, with a vocation in the field of ICT, seeking to expand their knowledge in storage techniques and distributed information processing, as well as big data analytics and visualisation.

You will learn to apply cutting-edge technologies in Data Science and Machine Learning, becoming an expert in managing large volumes of data and infrastructures, machine learning and the analysis of business management processes.

You will have access to the AWS Academy to prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner during the module on cloud architectures and the AWS Certified Machine Learning Specialty during the module on data processing and machine learning.

Spanish version of the master's degree: Máster en Big Data Madrid


Why study the Private Master Degree in Big Data Analytics?

Innovative curriculum

It includes the entire data lifecycle, from the design and implementation of the architectures that will support distributed data storage and processing.

Prestigious professors

Learn with the help of relevant experts from different sectors and companies such as Deloitte, Cryptoeconomic and Telefónica. They will share with you their experience and professional vision of data preprocessing, modelling and visualisation


Experiential learning

You will learn through real cases from first-level multinationals. Thanks to simulations and role plays, you will be qualified to become a global Big Data professional.

You will access to state-of-the-art facilities, consisting of two clusters for processing large volumes of data: A main one with more than 25 homogeneous processing nodes and 2TB of ram memory, and a secondary one formed by 4 server machines with high processing and memory capacities (multicore, +64GB per node). Both have Apache Hadoop, HDFS, Apache Spark, and Hive or Impala noSQL database access languages/tools.


Exclusive content

You will have access to exclusive masterclasses given by professionals from top companies in Spain, such as Santander and Telefónica.

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