
Must watch Spanish movies and series

Must watch Spanish movies and series


Watching movies or series in Spanish is one of the best ways to learn not only the language and its slang, but also plenty of things about the culture. Believe it or not there is a lot of quality Spanish movies and series out there besides the typical Hollywood productions. From world famous directors to Oscar winning movies, we have seen some superb films come out of Spain and Latin America in recent years. Here we’ve put up a list of some of the most popular Spanish movies and series in Spain. So, gather up and make the best out of the coldest months in Madrid!



La Casa de Papel

The television series ‘La casa de papel’ (Antena 3), is watched in 190 countries and its viewers are counted by millions. Awarded with an International Emmy for Best Drama and other important awards, it has become one of Netflix’s stars, platform that bought the production. Madrid is now viral due to the series’  main scenario: La Fábrica Nacional de la moneda y timbre, which a group of unique robbers assault, to carry out the most perfect robbery in the history of Spain and take 2.4 billion euros home!


‘Fariña’, meaning ‘Flour’ in Gallego, is a Spanish tv series based on Nacho Carretero’s book. This story perfectly reflects the cocaine crisis that took place in Spain, (Galicia), during the 80´s. This is a must watch series for all those who liked Narcos!

El Tiempo Entre Costuras

With Adriana Ugarte, one of Spain’s best actresses, as main character, this television series (Antena 3) is winner of plenty of the Spanish cinematographic industry’s most important awards. Being an adaptation of Maria Dueñas’ fantastic novel, this series was filmed in the most spectacular cities of all Spain, Morocco and Portugal, and tells the story of a young dressmaker who has to get through 2 wars, heartbreak and much more. You’ll definitely like it if you’re into detective series.


Buy some popcorn and get ready for some drama cause this tv series has us in tears! In Spain of 1958, there is a place where everyone needs to go shopping at least once in their life: Velvet Galleries. Located at number 34 of the Gran Via in Madrid, among its walls is hidden one of the most wonderful love stories ever told. She, a humble seamstress who works in the galleries since she was a child. He, a young and handsome boy destined to inherit the majestic fashion empire. As Spain’s latest version of Romeo and Juliet, they’re both willing to break the rules of the time and live their love beyond what others think and those who try to prevent it.

Las Chicas del Cable

Being the first ever Netflix original series produced in Spain, the series tells the change that four young women’s lives experience when they start working at a new telecommunications company in the Madrid of 1928. The four girls feel tied in different ways to their family, their partners, or their memories, and together get through heartbreak, social changes etc. Perfect to binge-watch with a group of friends!

La Peste

In the second half of the 16th century, Seville was the metropolis of the western world. Gateway of America in Europe. But it was also a city of shadows due to inequality, famines, and epidemics. During an outbreak of plague, several prominent members of Sevillian society appear murdered. Mateo, condemned by the Inquisition, must solve this series of diabolical crimes to achieve forgiveness and save his life!



Palmeras en la Nieve

Featuring one of Spain’s most desired actors, Mario Casas, this movie, based on Luz Gabás’ bestseller novel, was released in 2015 and has won several Goya prizes. Based on the years in which Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish colony, the film is one of the best made romantic Spanish productions!

Ocho Apellidos Vascos

Starring one of Spain’s best comedians, Dani Rovira, this movie is the best example of Spanish humour. Tells the story of a guy form Sevilla (South), who falls in love with a girl from El País Vasco (North), and all the struggles he’ll have to go through to get her! With it you’ll discover how different life can be in Spain depending on the region you’re in!

El Fotógrafo de Mauthausen

Released in 2018 this movie tells the true story of Francisco Boix, a Spanish photographer who suffered and survived the Nazi barbarity during the Second World War. Being one of the very few Spanish movies based on the Holocaust, this production is everything but a disappointment!

1898: Los Últimos de Filipinas

Based on real events, and featuring some of Spain’s most famous actors,  this film shows the experience of fifty soldiers who fought the worst of all wars against EEUU during the decline of the empire “in which the sun never set”, in Spain’s colonies of America.

Tres Metros Sobre el Cielo

Number one teenage hit, this is the classic story of a love affair between a very troubled and sexy guy and the perfect preppy girl. Yes, complete cliché, but perfect for a girls’ night in!

Perfectos Desconocidos

In a dinner between four couples who have known each other for a lifetime, a game is proposed that will put their worst secrets on the table: read their messages aloud, and publicly answer the phone calls they receive during the gathering. Prepare yourself for some gossip and…do not try this at home!

Celda 211

The day Juan starts working at his new job as a prison officer, he is caught in a prison riot. He then decides to impersonate another prisoner to save his life and to end the revolt, what he ignores is that fate has different plans for him. You’ll definitely know how to swear in Spanish after watching this movie!

Spanish movies and series are a great window into the country’s culture! You can watch most of the titles above on Spain’s top streaming services like HBO, Netflix and Prime! If you’re interested in watching some of the new films coming out during your time in Madrid, be sure to check out Madrid’s film scene! Once you have your Spanish film fix you can head to a Version Original (OV) theatre in the center to watch all the big American releases in English!


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