MBA Digital Business

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EU Business School
EU Business School
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Empresa, Marketing y RRII
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
You will be well-equipped to start your own online venture, join an existing company or invent new ways of doing business online.

The success of a business today depends heavily on its online presence. Accordingly, an increasingly digital workforce is one of the fastest growing and most in-demand assets in modern industries. The digital business program prepares you to thrive in an online playing field, examining a broad range of topics from online architecture to UX, while covering many of the relevant issues that managers face in internet-based environments. You will be well-equipped to start your own online venture, join an existing company or invent new ways of doing business online.


For students studying on our Barcelona and Switzerland campuses, a state-recognized, university MBA degree accredited by Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM), Spain.

An EU Business School Switzerland private and internationally accredited MBA degree

Students completing this specialization pursue careers in:

  • Innovation management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Venture capital
  • Management consulting
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