Master in European Union Studies and Human Rights

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Universidad Católica de Murcia
Universidad Católica de Murcia
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Empresa, Marketing y RRII
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
Represents an innovation in the educational field


The faculty´s large team of researchers come from various academic backgrounds, specializing in different aspects of the European Constitution & EU legislation. They include a large number of civil servants and consultancy experts involved in the daily practices of the European Union.

The Master's in European Union Studies and Human Rights represents an innovation in the educational field. Its support of a face-to-face formation, the active involvement of students of various nationalities, combined visits to European institutions and the mixed approach of the provided training makes UCAM’s Master's in EU Studies and Human Rights a rigorous, innovative and top quality program.

Student Profile

This master’s degree offers candidates a highly recommended training in European constitution and legislation. The target group of this program are graduates in Tourism, Political Science, Business Administration and Law, as well as Social Sciences and Communication Sciences. Furthermore, lawyers working on European legislation are welcome to join this program.

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