Global Bachelor Double Degree in International Business and International Relations

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Universidad Europea de Madrid
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Tipo di studi:
Doppia Laurea
Area di Studio:
Empresa, Marketing y RRII
Spagnolo, Inglese
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
Business and International Relations: Study exchanges in USA, Europe or Asia
The Double Degree in International Relations and Business is a five-year programme designed to equip you with the skills to be able to lead business organisations or have a successful career in politics – on diplomatic missions or national or global institutions. The business and international relations degree, taught entirely in English and made up of 360 ECTS, has a practical approach that we see you complete work placements and internships, as well as take part on international study exchanges in the USA, Europe or Asia.
El tiempo es limitado. No lo desprecies viviendo el sueño de otra persona

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