Bachelor of Advertising

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Canterbury University
Canterbury University
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Comunicazione, Pubblicità e Giornalismo
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
You will learn how to develop ideas and campaigns that meet the needs of clients and consumers, and how to produce convincing professional presentations and pitches.


The advertising and branding industry plays an increasingly important role in the global economy. This degree offers a great opportunity to become part of this exciting and growing industry.

Our course is business focused, and designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to work effectively in advertising and marketing. You will learn how to combine creativity and business strategy, how the advertising and marketing industries work, how advertising messages communicate and persuade, and how to produce convincing professional presentations.

You will explore areas including:

  • Branding and advertising essentials
  • Marketing principles and practice
  • Consumer behaviour.

As part of your course you will study specialist modules in advertising strategy, media planning, creative campaign development and brand management and communication. In your first year you will also take introductory modules that give you a solid grounding in general business. In your second and third years you will be able to choose modules that introduce you to marketing planning, copywriting, market research, and international and cross­cultural marketing.

Each year the Business School organises a student exchange project with Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Venlo, The Netherlands. This fully funded exchange will give a maximum of 15 undergraduate students the opportunity to explore what it is like to study abroad, work on a business project in The Netherlands, experience a different place and culture, and make new friends.

This course is for you if you would like to understand how the various parts of the advertising and marketing industries work, and how advertising messages communicate and persuade, both online and through the use of traditional media. 

Specialist facilities

You will have access to our Bloomberg Trading Room. This offers you the chance to gain practical experience of trade floor activities and financial market analysis. We are one of the few universities in the UK offering direct use of Bloomberg data, information and analytics in a dedicated trading room which provides a simulation of what it is like to work on a real trading floor in the financial district.

What can I do next?

Successful graduates from our advertising course are equipped to work for independent marketing and advertising consultancies, and as part of in­house marketing departments. There are also opportunities to work in brand management and communication. Graduates from the course have also gone on to take master’s degrees in marketing, brand communications and branding strategy. Increasingly graduates go on to work in digital marketing roles, social media strategy, media planning and buying.

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