Bachelor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation

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The Sparsholt College
The Sparsholt College
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Scienze della Salute
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
Develop ecological expertise through research


  • Excellent reputation, close links with landowners and unprecedented access to a wide variety of sites
  • Learn on the 176-hectare College estate with conservation management plan and a varied managed rural environment
  • Develop ecological expertise through research, surveying and data collection, and conservation management planning

What will I learn?

The course applies a scientific approach to natural resource management, wildlife conservation and sustainability, with an overall theme of applied ecological science. You will develop the skills to analyse and monitor diverse ecosystems in the field and design and effectively implement management plans for wildlife conservation.

Our strong links with landowners mean you will enjoy access to a wide range of sites as well as University Centre Sparsholt’s own excellent resources. You will gain practical experience and contacts with a variety of organisations through, visits, guest speakers and work placements.

How will I be assessed?

Both formative and summative assessments feature in this programme, allowing you to develop research and study skills as well as technical and expert knowledge. Summative assessments include completion of a research dissertation, written assignments, presentations, project reports, practical based and online portfolios and examinations.

Where can I go from here?

You can progress onto postgraduate study, gain employment with conservation organisations or use your skills to run your own business.  Sparsholt graduates now hold positions in wildlife conservation and consultancy, with government bodies such as Natural England and with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) such as the RSPB.
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