Bachelor in Modern Languages

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Universidad Católica de Murcia
Universidad Católica de Murcia
Tipo di studi:
Area di Studio:
Studente Europeo
Studente non Europeo
Students can seize a variety of professional profiles and employment opportunities


Our principal objective is to develop in our students a high level of communicative competence in two foreign languages (English-German or English-French) as well as foster an in-depth knowledge base of the respective cultures and their socio-economic and historical backgrounds. Another priority of the degree is the development of a strong ethical and human value based perspective so as to further ensure optimal opportunities in the labour market. The Degree offers two itineraries or branches: language and international communication, and foreign language teaching and learning.

Student Profile

An essential prerequisite for future students is a predisposition and enthusiasm to learn and perfect their linguistic-communicative skills in various languages.

As an entry requirement, a B2 level of communicative competence in English in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is recommended. There is no minimum level of German or French. Given that in the curriculum there, are subjects taught in Spanish, a B2 level in this language is recommended for those students whose mother tongue is not Spanish.

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